Risborough is not the only town in Buckinghamshire being plagued by this planning blight, please see the video, linked to below from Maids Moreton in North Buckinghamshire, whose story is very familiar to ours in Risborough.
- An unsustainable site, with the planners riding roughshod over the principles in the National Planning Framework.
- A tick box exercise in community involvement and engagement, where the public are presented with the plan and community comments and concerns are disregarded.
The web address is www.maidsmoretonmatters.org
Below is an extract from an email from the Maids Moreton and Foscote Action group.
“We have read the letter of concern to Martin Tett on the RARA website and wholly relate to the lack of authentic community engagement RARA has experienced. Community engagement, if done properly, would ensure a ‘collective vision’ for the development which all communities know they must accommodate. The tickbox exercise employed by Buckinghamshire Council falls woefully short of this. In north Buckinghamshire we look forward to seeing if RARA receives a response when the newly elected Councillors take office.”