Risborough has a problem because the police regard the area as low crime and so do not give us high priority, and the residents and shop owners tend to not report crime. We have had a gang of youngsters causing trouble for the last 6 months, but the initial response from the police was disappointing. The number of people responding with concerns from the Risborough area will affect the level of policing.
Press Release from Buckinghamshire Council
05 September 2022 Tell us your crime concerns
Buckinghamshire residents are being asked to highlight their concerns about crime in their local area as part of the Safer Bucks Community Safety survey.
Safer Bucks is a partnership of organisations that work together to reduce crime, antisocial behaviour, and drugs and alcohol issues. Every year the partnership looks at community safety issues in the county. As part of this process, everyone living or working in Buckinghamshire is invited to take part in the survey.
This survey aims to find out what community safety matters concern local residents. It is quick and easy to complete and this year all those who complete the survey will be entered into a prize draw to win one of three £100 shopping vouchers.
The results of the survey will be combined with an analysis of all crimes that happen in the county to help Safer Bucks set priorities for the year.
Arif Hussain, Deputy Cabinet Member for Community Safety, said:
“This survey is an opportunity for everyone who lives or works in the county to highlight their concerns about crime, antisocial behaviour, and drugs and alcohol issues. There is also an opportunity to add additional comments that people feel need to be considered.
“Please do take a few minutes to have your say – it will really help Safer Bucks focus its efforts to reduce these issues that matter most to local people.”
The survey opens today (Monday 5 September) and is open for six weeks, closing on Sunday 16 October.
The results of the survey will be analysed and taken to the Safer Bucks Partnership to agree any actions. A summary of the survey results will be included in the winter Community Safety Newsletter.
To take part in the survey visit: https://yourvoicebucks.citizenspace.com/communities/safety-2022