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RARA's Campaign against the WDC Local Plan

RARA has been actively fighting to get the Wycombe Local Plan changed since it was first proposed in 2014-15.

We have produced a number of documents during the consultation process and also during the 2018 hearings with the Planning Inspector.


These documents are available in the links below:


RARA Local Plan Submission

This document was our main submission during the consultation period in 2017


A Better Town Plan

RARA gathered feedback and ideas from our members and produced an alternative concept for the Town Plan. One that concedes we need limited growth, but not wholesale destrucion of our town.


Leaflets and Posters

RARA produced a number of leaflets and posters that were distributed around Risborough to ensure that the public understood the full implications of the proposed plan. RARA also petioned the local residents reaching over 60% of the towns population, with 95% of those opposed to the plan.


Local Plan Hearings

RARA was invited to participate in the hearing sessions in 2018, and submitted the following documents for each session.


Local Plan Hearings

RARA produced all of the documents for the hearings in conjunction with the legal counsel.


Legal Compliance and Duty to Co-operate

The plan strategy

Housing provision and supply

Employment, Retail and Town Centre

Natural, Built and Historic Environment

Green Belt

Development Framework


Letters to WDC

Prior to the consultations, RARA wrote a number of letters to WDC expressing our concerns with the way the local plan was developing.


RARA's Responses to the consultation

This document was our respose to the consultation process.

The document below was our feedback following the publication of the Prooised Main Modifications to the plan.

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